Nick ,
I served in the 601st at Rothwesten from May 57 to July 59 .
My primary duty assignment was as a weapons controller at Gunpost . As with most of us , I
had several additional duty assignments as Air Police Officer , Pay Officer , Special Services , etc . When the CRP at
Gunpost was moved to Wasserkuppe in 58 ,I remained at Rothwesten as an instructor at the MSQ1A school run by Capt Dunkle
In March 2001 , my wife, Tillie and I returned to Kassel and Rothwesten for the first time since
1959 . We were pleased to meet the base commander at the base and he provided an NCO to give us a tour . Some of the pictures
were made then and some are older ones made in the 50's .
1. 0009 : 1959 601st Air police Office . Lt. Hamiter , Air Police Officer and MSgt. Bill Stanton
, NCOIC . MSgt. Stanton retired as a CMSgt. and lived in Tucson until his death in April 2004 .
2. 0008 : 1958 Lt Hamiter and Chaplain M.E. Hunt visit an orphanage near Rothwesten . I believe
the visit was to acknowledge a gift given to the orphanage by personnel of the 601st. Chaplain Hunt retired as a Colonel and
lives in Texas .
Following from our visit in 2001
3. 0001 : Scene of the base from the front of the Officers' Club .
4. 0002 : Headquarters for German Army unit based at Rothwesten . I believe this was one of the
ASA unit's operations buildings .
5. 0004 : Gunpost Hill
6. 0005 : Tillie and our escort at the Officers' Club . This is same location as our 601st
Officers' Club .
7. 0006 : Tillie in front of the apartment where we lived in the Rorhwesten housing area .
.....Lt Dunlap, CMS Nick, Lt Hamiter served together at Rothwesten.....